Sunday, December 23, 2007

Annual Garbage Cleanup

which I receive once a year to overhaul my home and rid myself and family of unwanted items that cannot be taken by Goodwill. This year we had eleven bags of garbage and one lone bureau drawer which was infested with rat poop. Yes, we have a rat problem which my brother has layed out some rat poison to eradicate the little buggers. I don't care about the local animal rights activist and preserving our rat society and calling me a rat killer or creatures of the almighty, but when they're in your home causing a unholy mess and you're sick of seeing rat poop everywhere, then come and talk to me. The infestation has taken place in my daughters lower apartment and they seem to be everywhere. At least five of the bags contained clothes and blankets stained by the green poop, remnants of the poison leaving a trail everywhere they go. The bureau drawer was a Goodwill buy, infested and stained, with the green poop and had to go. The Daly City once a year that I'm allowed up to twelve bags no more than 60 pounds each and two large items. I was well within my limits. My families cleaning venture took us most of the weekend and up until 10:00pm. Exhausted and hungry, we decided to call it a day. With much more room and treasure finds for my EBay selling binge, there was room to breathe. In another week or two, we will go back and investigate to see if there are signs of rat poop or infestations. Rheumatoid arthritis or not, my life still has to go on because no one else will get it done.

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