Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You still have to work!!

That's the story I tell all of my very close friends at work when I come home from Las Vegas and didn't win the mega millions. Truth be told, if i won the multi millions, i would take care of my family first and my closest and dearest friends next. The ones that come out of the woodwork, you would have to go through my daughter who is the most scrutinizing woman I know. And that's being nice, she takes good care of me...thank you Nani.
As far as my RA is concerned, I'm still ticking! My doctor is trying to reschedule our appointments so that I could get into the next phase of my medication taking. I'm not sure about the herbal methods and i understand that it's much healthier. I'm still reading up on them and keep an open mind. I'm doing the juicer thing and have cut out red meats with the exception of bacon and spam, this Hawaiian gal still loves that stuff. I'm drinking a lot of water and teas. I've slowly switched from white rice to brown rice but i won't turn down a bowl if you offered it to me. We eat chicken and fish on some days. Soup and salads on a lot of days. I love my crock pot! My medications are currently as follows:
4 methotrexate at 2.5MG tabs (orange) per week - Wed night
1 and 1 half prednisone at 5MG daily in the morning from 4am-8am
1 folic acid 1MG daily
1 Multi-vitamin "Complete Iron System" by Food grown daily
My next appointment will be sometime at the end of this month. I'll keep you updated with that. So far my movements have definitely shown great improvement since i was diagnosed two and half months ago. I was a sad case and knew there was something wrong and made an appointment to see my primary who then referred me to my "RAtologist". It's been a journey! If you have RA or have been recently diagnosed with RA, i welcome your comments and questions. Have a great week everyone.

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