Monday, April 28, 2014


still exist in the workplace. I was the subject of this awful behavior and it does not feel good. For all of my adult life, this has not happened to me. I hear of it happening to other people or co-workers and I tell them to fight back and write a letter or report them. I hardly ever find out the resolve of their problem. But when this happened to me? I felt the violation, the urging, the pushing, the intimidation and I needed to write my own letter to a superior. This behavior has to stop. My letter writing caused several other co-workers to write similar letters of their own. A Supervisor contacted me two days later and stated that he will remedy this problem. I am not sure of what the plan of action is or will be but I do hope for resolve soon. There should be ZERO TOLERANCE of bullying in the workplace. ** Names have been changed to protect those at work ** Good evening, I am writing to inform you about an incident that occurred this morning before the start of my 7:30 AM shift. As usual, I clocked in and checked to see what my assignment was for the day on the schedule board located outside the Supervisor's office. The board stated that my assignment was to be in MOD 2 Additional Services or the "C" position located in the Lobby behind the Ticket Counter. I had a few minutes before the start of the 7:30 AM briefing and proceeded to the board in the hallway to see if they had posted our new bid shift sheet for May 2014. I was talking with a co-worker, Scooby*, about what shift we picked. As I was talking with Scooby*, Service Director Sheena KweenBee* interrupted our conversation without a "hello" or "Good morning" and TOLD me, rather abruptly, "When your shift starts at 7:30 AM, I need you to go out to the "Ticketing Position" in MOD 1 to relieve an agent out there who hadn't received a break yet, she's been here since 4:00 AM"! I replied, "I want to go to my 7:30 AM briefing". She retorted very tersely, "You don't need to go to your 7:30 briefing, just go and relieve that agent"! She added, "You can go to the 9:00 AM or 9:30 AM briefing, but I need you to go out there when you start at 7:30!" I replied, "I am going to my 7:30 AM briefing, there are a lot of other agents that can go to the Ticket counter to relieve that agent"! She then loudly stated, "I'm going to go talk with DooWright (Supervisor AM) and see what she says!" I replied, "Good, I'd like to hear what she says too!" By then, our briefing had started and I felt like I was being intimidated and bullied by being "targeted" due to the fact that I am "pre-merger", a Continental Airlines agent, being forced to do a job that anyone else can be asked to do. I was angry and upset by this intentional act to leave me out of a briefing (which I always attend) while at least 15 other agents (probably 3-5 of them I have Seniority over) were available for the task. I take pride in myself by always being available to help my co-workers. I frequently sign up to be a mentor and I take this job very seriously. Starting off the morning feeling bullied, harassed and then working for 8 hours is toxic. It is not a good environment for anyone and I don't feel like I performed to the best of my ability today. Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

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